Featured Products
Salem Witch Trial 'Oak Tree' Coins of 1692 Pendant
Salem Witch Trial 'Pine Tree' Coins of 1692 Pendant
New England 'Oak Tree' Shilling 1652 Pendant
New England 'Pine Tree' Shilling 1652 Pendant
New England 'Pine Tree' Shilling 1652
Salem Witch Trial 'Pine Tree' Coins of 1692
Harold Godwinson 'PAX' Penny Coin Pendant
William I The Conqueror 1066 Penny Pendant
James I Tudor Rose & Thistle Halfpenny Earrings
Coenwulf of Mercia Anglo-Saxon Gold Mancus
James I Tudor Rose & Thistle Halfpenny
John I ‘Magna Carta’ & ‘Robin Hood’ Coin